In this day and age of the internet, if you lose your bill or something else happens to it you don’t need to go to the exchange or the electric power office just for the sake of getting a duplicate bill. The online bill printing system has solved the problem of many electricity consumers in Pakistan at general consumer and industrial level.
Almost all sectors of WAPDA are offering online duplicate bill downloading and printing facilities to their consumers. Just like most of the WAPDA electricity regions, Faisalabad Electricity Supply Company is also letting its consumers get the duplicate electricity bill from its official website.
The Duplicate Bill obtained from the Official FESCO website is treated just as the original bill and the payment of the previous month can also be done using this bill.
What is FESCO?
Faisalabad Electricity Supply Company (FESCO) was established by the Government of Pakistan with the purpose to distribute electricity to Faisalabad district and this electric supply company is facilitating almost 2.5 million customers. FESCO is a part of WAPDA. It is one of the most trustworthy and professional companies of Pakistan. It responds to complaints very quickly and is there to solve any query consumers might be facing.
Areas Under FESCO:
- Faisalabad
- Sargodha
- Mianwali
- Jhang
- Bakkar
FESCO’s Online Bill Checking
In order to get a duplicate copy of your FESCO Bill, you have to follow these instructions step by step:
- First, you have to take a previous FESCO Bill of yours and look at the reference number that is displayed on the top left.
- Reference Number is a 14 digit Numeric code.
- Then open the official page of FESCO Online Bill Checking. Here’s the link:

- Enter the Reference Number correctly and click submit.
There you have it. A duplicate copy of your FESCO Bill.
You can now download it and even print a copy out and take it to your nearest bank and pay the bill. You can also just pay online through easypaisa, jazz cash or other services.
FESCO Helpline
If you’re facing any other issue related to your bill or having problems with your electricity supply, you can now easily contact FESCO in order to solve all your queries.
Address: Faisalabad Electric Supply Company, West Canal Road, Abdullah Pur, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
TEL: +92- 41- 9220184-9220229
FAX: +92 – 41- 9220233