How to Calculate Electricity Bill

Calculate Electricity Bill

Even in this time and age, Electric Bill readings are performed manually in Pakistan and as the meter checking is a hand-operated action in Pakistan, it is likely to contain discrepancies and human errors. To withdraw this possibility, some people like to keep a daily check on their meter readings and determine the bill before it arrives at your doorstep, this also helps keep your electricity usage considered.

To calculate your electric bill, you’ll need to understand the energy usage of each of the appliances and electronic media in your home. In a typical world, estimating your electricity usage would be as smooth as looking at an itemized grocery receipt. You’d be able to comprehend exactly what you spent to run the dishwasher, do the laundry, watch TV and use a month’s worth of hot water. We are getting closer to this technology every passing day, but if you require an appliance-by-appliance analysis right now, you’ll need to perform some mathematics.

Consumption of Electricity

The electricity’s usage is calculated in terms of the number of units of electricity that your household has expended in a billing period which is usually one month. Your electricity meter outside your house provides a reading for the number of units consumed at any given point in time. Usually, the reading reads the total usage from the date of installation. 

In Pakistan, the meter reading process is carried out by various meter readers that are designated for different areas of cities. The date of meter checking/reading is normally posted at the top of the electricity bill. Along with it, are the current billing month, issue date, and due date are also listed on the top.

Please note that the computerized version of the bill or WAPDA online bill is regularly available a few days before the printed version is distributed to houses.

It is recommended that the electricity consumption listed on the bill is verified by checking the meter yourself around the usual meter reading date for your house to guarantee that there are no disagreements. If you notice that there is a significant difference between the actual and reported readings, notify your subdivision officer (SDO) at the local electric supply office directly. The contact for your SDO can also be found on your electricity bill. 

Additionally, if you notice a spike in your unit consumption or cost of electricity, compare it with your usage in the previous year in the same months. This data is available in the billing history columns of your electricity bill.

To calculate the monthly unit consumption of a household, a meter reader deducts the current month’s reading with the last month’s recorded reading. The current and previous month’s units all exist in all of the WAPDA utility bills produced in Pakistan.

The main determinant of the electricity bill (here in Pakistan) is the number of units consumed. The following charges and rates are applied which add up to the Price Build-Up:

  1. Variable Charges (Slabs)
    1. 201–300 units, Rs. 10.20 per unit;
    2. 301–700 units, Rs. 15.45 per unit;
    3. Above 700 units, Rs. 17.33 per unit
  2. Surcharge
    1. 201–300, rs. 0.00 per unit
    2. 301–700, Rs. 0.55 per unit
    3. Above 700, Rs. 0.67 per unit
  3. Meter Rent of Rs. 15.00
  4. Duty on Electricty (Domestic & Industrial = 1.5% each /Commercial = 2% /Bulk = 2% & Agricultural = 1% of Variable Charges)
  5. General Sales Tax (roughly 17% of the gross amount)
  6. TV License Fee (in action since the start of 2010, all TV users are expected to pay Rs. 35 & 60 per Television set if they are domestic and commercial respectively.)
  7. Bank Charges (minimum of Rs. 8.00)

Important to note:

  • No. 1 and 2 are applied to the number of units used.
  • No. 4 and 5 are applied to the classification of domestic, commercial, industrial, and other users. Applied to Gross Amount driven by the number of units.


1 unit = 1 kWh.

So that makes Total kWh = 1000 Watts x 24 Hrs x 30 Days = 720000 watts/hr.

Now, turn it into Units, Whereas is 1unit = 1kWh.

So total Consumed units. 720000/1000…… (k=kilo=1000).

Total Units = 720.

The average cost per unit is about 15 PKR.

The total calculated cost or Electricity bill = 720 x 15 = 10800.

This is the method to determine your electricity bill. Alternatively, you can also calculate your bill at

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